CRank: 5Score: 1480

I meant thier other deals.

4990d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok. Ok. What flaming idiot made this article?

"Bayonetta is the absolute nadir of "(un)sexy" video game characters. With her freakishly long limbs and tiny bespectacled noggin, she looks like a cross between Sarah Palin and a Phasmatodea. In what world is this even remotely sexy? "In many ways, this character is my ideal woman", Bayonetta creator Hideki Kamiya once stated. We hear he has a thing for aphids too."

First, that c...

4991d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Aren't THEY some of the biggest characters in video game history? They were out for decades. lol

4991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's too bad there is no Wal-Mart where I live.

4991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Poneies are what I'm calling fanboys nowadays. You a pony? lol

4991d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sonic Colors, Glee? What the fack?

4991d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol at all of the pony hate on this game. XD

4991d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

lol we are still getting the same highly rated games aren't we? The only ones being forgiven here are Sony and MS.
MS for trashing thousands (possibly millions) of 360s so people can buy new ones.
And Sony for charging 600 bucks for a console just to remove features 'til it's no longer worth it's f*ckin launch price.
But no sweat. lol

4991d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

bustamove 9h ago
Hello multiple account user. Just joined today I see.

5th Devil of the Ful 6h ago
Please (before making yourself look any more stupid), look at the day I joined n4g........

bustamove 5h ago
And you posted today. There's gaps between your posting. Sure.

bustamove 5h ago
And btw, I'm not making myself look stupid. You are. OH NOES, TEH SONY PONIES!


5002d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Dude, whatever okay? I just find it funny that you're calling PS3 fanboys ponies when 360 fanboys act the same exact way."

LOL, not on this site..... But even so, this is proof you really didn't read my post. I said to you (before this post BTW)...
" I know you might have wanted to show me that sony ponies are not the only fanboys here but...

I love how you claim I'm a 360 fanboy..... See how that works? lol
I called you a sony pony because you was so quick to slam 360 fanboys when you see something bad being said about PS3 fanboys. I know you might have wanted to show me that sony ponies are not the only fanboys here but...
Here is another tip: If you don't want to be called a fanb...

5003d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

At the idiot above. Yes 360 fanboy do DO that. But take sony out of your a** for 2 seconds to ask yourself a question. "Does he even own a 360?" If you did, the answer would be no. Because I don't own a 360. Because I don't believe in flushing my money down the toilet for a company that likes to play games with their consumers and console that will most likely break after the warranty. So before you break down in tears with your sony fanboy righteous post, don't assume &...

5003d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

It seems sony fanboys are showing everyone in the Wii section every time they hate on something, they really want it. Thus, can we really take what these sony ponies say on this site serious anymore? I guess every time they say something is bad, gimmicky, crap, they really hate it because it's not on their console. They prove this when they said "sales don't matter" and then brag about the sales for the ps3 slim back in 2009. Because let's be real, these sony ponies sooo...

5003d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

I just love how all of these Sony Ponies made this about the PS3 Move. If you don't know what that is, it's a prison punishment device Sony plans to release for "gaming purposes" (my only question is: where does the lotion go?).

Anyway, I just love the N4g community. They are full of such smart-- oh who the hell am I kidding?

5102d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Wrong clown, I'm an "anti-fanboy". I guess you can say that I'm sick of the way PS3 fanboys act on this site. This doesn't (in any way) imply that I'm a fanboy. Get the facts right next time. But if you are so sure I'm a fanboy, why don't you tell me what console I like..... You can't can you? *pfft* Get lost!

And please PLEASE do me (and you) a favor, buy a f***ing "learn to type" CD before I lose any more IQ points reading y...

5115d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just LOVE how all of these sony ponies got ALL OVER this article's ***.
They are obviously scared this game will get game of the year and not one of their sony baloney PS3 exclusives.

There's always next year SOwhiNY fanboys. So don't get your panties in a bunch. >XD

5115d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes. It's truly pathetic. I've even seen some of them say Uncharted 2 is going to be 2010 game of the year. The posts on all of these super mario galaxy 2 articles are nothing but Sony baloney to make the Sony Ponies feel better.

But hey, this is n4g. What should one expect?

5120d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Next time you wanna say the Wii sucks, post it in the open zone.
And Red Steel 2 is not going to be ported to that prision punishment device.

By the way, didn't Lair have this problem on the PS3? Only it was so bad, Factor 5 had to close down. Where was this 'audience' then? lol

5179d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment
5180d ago

That video was uploaded in 2009, particularly after E3 (you know, when the move was first announced).
*sigh* Please find me a video uploaded around the time of the actual tech demo. If no one can do this, then you guys just come off to me as someone who would believe that their mother is actually a man if Sony said she was.

n4f- Isn't that what they have Little Big Planet for? XD

5186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment